World of warship blitz carrier gameplay
World of warship blitz carrier gameplay

Weaving between small islands is tricky stuff but satisfying as a means of dodging enemy fire. I am also quite thankful that these battles don’t simply take place in the open sea and that there are obstacles and objects to keep the player on their toes. Not only must you do your best to protect your fleet, your direction of travel will be key to successful attacks. The game has a nice lock on system but keeps combat feeling authentic when it comes to direction of travel if you are moving in the opposite direction as the enemy, your volley will strike where they were, not where they are.

world of warship blitz carrier gameplay world of warship blitz carrier gameplay

The controls are thankfully simplified, where you tap to choose your speed, hold a direction to turn, and fire at the enemy when in range.

World of warship blitz carrier gameplay